How to get to Albergue Humboldt
Get there within 24 hours
If you want to arrive to Puerto Bermúdez in just one day, we suggest you to take the buses that leave Lima before 8pm. You will arrive to La Merced by 3 am, just in time to connect with the pick-ups that leave to Puerto Bermúdez (around 4 - 6 am). There are no more pick-ups to Puerto Bermúdez until the next day.
Albergue Humbolt is located in the bank of Pichis-Pachitea river, in the area known as "La Rampa". It's just at 500 meters (5 minutes walk) of the place where the pick-ups from La Merced arrive. The price of a "mototaxi" to Albergue Humboldt is one sol (US$ 30 cents).
Lima - La Merced (US$ 8 to 10)
Jesus and the staff of Albergue Humboldt can organize a lot of individual outdoor activities and tours through the rainforest for you. Allthough allraedy the way to Puerto Bermúdez is an awesome experience, the real adventure expects you there.
At Albergue Humboldt you will find single, double and triple rooms. Also sleeping in tents and hammocks eventually can be possible.
You can enjoy silent walks through a beautiful and large garden. A well sorted libary offers excellent travel books and trivial literature. You can use cable tv, video and music stations for free. (see fotos)
At Humboldt´s we offer moderate prices that rarely you can find somewhere else in the peruvian jungle region.
*Spanish and peruvian food
Lima - La Merced (US$ 8 to 10)
Companies | Adress | Phone |
La Merced | Luna Pizarro 255 | 423 36 67 |
Chanchamayo | Av. M Capac 1052 | 265 68 50 |
Transportes Junin | Avda. Nicolás Arriola | 326 61 36 |
Expreso Lobato | Avda. 28 de Julio | 474 94 88 |
La Merced - Puerto Bermudez (US$ 16)
Companies | Adress / Time table |
Villa Rica Transdife | At the Bus Station ("Terminal") Pick-ups leave at 4am-6am. |
Activities at Humboldt Hostal
Jesus and the staff of Albergue Humboldt can organize a lot of individual outdoor activities and tours through the rainforest for you. Allthough allraedy the way to Puerto Bermúdez is an awesome experience, the real adventure expects you there.
Facilities and Prices
At Albergue Humboldt you will find single, double and triple rooms. Also sleeping in tents and hammocks eventually can be possible.
You can enjoy silent walks through a beautiful and large garden. A well sorted libary offers excellent travel books and trivial literature. You can use cable tv, video and music stations for free. (see fotos)
At Humboldt´s we offer moderate prices that rarely you can find somewhere else in the peruvian jungle region.
Beds | 5$ (per person) |
Breakfast | 2$ (per person) |
Dinner* | 3$ (per person) |
Drinks | 0.5$ coffee / tea |